I am just now updating from PyQt4 to PyQt5 since it seems to be the default when
installing PyQt using the conda install pyqt
command. Because of that, the
requirements also changed a bit. Here is the known requirements:
- Python >= 2.6
- PyQt >= 5
- ConfigParser
- NumPy
I strongly recommend you to use Anaconda and the Astroconda Channel since it is supposed to be an standard library and it was where this packaged was developed on.
Once downloaded, enter the folder that was created and type:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .
If you are not a superuser you can either add the --user
flag so PIP will install locally
or you can use a
Python Virtual Environment
and installing it inside.
If you are using Astroconda, you will have to fix the installation by typing
$ conda install nomkl
MKL is the Intel Math Kernel Libraty which is used by NumPy and SciPy and other Python libraries. This may cause their installation to crash under Anaconda Virtual Environments and that is why you may have to install a version that does not rely on it.