We wrote samfp-tools
in Python 2 but, in principle, it should be compatible
with Python 3. We simply did not have the chance yet to actually test the Py2
to Py3 conversion.
Since there are several ways which one can install a Python library, we decided
to develop samfp
using the Virtual Environment
Astroconda under Anaconda. Once you have both installed
and running properly, activate the Astroconda Virtual Environment by typing
source activate astroconda
in a terminal.
After that, use pip
to install samfp
and its requirements:
cd $path_to_samfp
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
There is a know problem where both Numpy and SciPy fails to run under Anaconda because of a library called mkl
. To fix that, type the following command
conda install nomkl
After that, you should be able to run the SAM-FP Tools scripts from anywhere in your system, as long as you are the Virtual Environment where they were installed (e.g. Astroconda).